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  • The home textiles fair in Turkey would facilitate the country’s export and import activities, especially in the specific segment of home textiles, said European Union (EU) Minister and Chief Negotiator for Turkey Egemen Bagis, at the recently concluded first edition of CNR HOME & TEX Decoration Home Textiles fair in city of Istanbul. According to a statement issued by CNR HOME & TEX Istanbul, the EU Minister said during the opening ceremony of the fair, that the event held for the fir
  • World’s third largest cotton grower – Pakistan, has produced more cotton than last year. Ginneries have reportedly received 9.518 million bales of cotton up to 15 November 2013, an increase of one million bales, or 11.73 per cent, over the corresponding period last year when 8.519 million bales were produced. The impressive increase in arrivals indicate that the crop size will be even larger than the government estimates of 12.9 million bales and may even exceed 14 million bales. However, hig
  • At the A+A 2013, the world’s greatest trade show for workwear in Düsseldorf, Lenzing is presenting the cellulose fiber TENCEL? for applications in industrial laundry. Workwear is generally dominated by polyester and cotton fibers. Workwear options have been extended with the TENCEL? fiber. TENCEL? guarantees innovation and greater sustainability in this segment. As a result of the fiber’s properties, such as the highest strength profile, optimum moisture absorption, reduced bacterial g
  • According to Fujian Customs, in the first three quarters of this year, the garment export from Fujian Province to EU amounted to US$ 3.37 billion, up 25% year-on-year; the export to ASEAN amounted to US$ 1.34 billion, up 57.2%; and the export to the United States stood at US$ 1.13 billion, up 23.4%, accounting for 8.8% of the total. In January-September, Fujian's export of garment and accessories totaled US$ 12.9 billion, up 28.4% from a year earlier, in which, the export by general trade am
  • Wal-Mart Stores Inc said it has found safety problems at some of the factories in Bangladesh with which it does business, and that most of those factories have since made improvements. The US retail group tested the safety of more than 200 factories, a company spokesman said Sunday. “Of these, 32 had failures in their initial inspections, but all but two have since addressed those issues.” Wal-Mart has posted on its website the inspection reports of 75 factories, and will post the remai
  • After the deadliest ever garment factory accident – the collapse of the Rana Plaza building on 24th April 2013 – workplace safety, image concerns and demands for higher wages have become major concerns for Bangladesh’s apparel industry. FashionUnited spoke to the parties involved on site in Dhaka. Almost daily, garment workers are staging demonstrations demanding higher pay causing suspension of operations in several factories. They are blocking roads and destroying public property to press h
  • A programme aimed at promoting and supporting sustainable production of garments in Myanmar was launched at the first-ever meeting of the EU-Myanmar Task Force, held in Yangon. The ?2 million SMART Myanmar project aims to boost competitiveness of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) by building their capacity and increasing their skills and knowledge in partnership with local organizations, Myanmar Times reported. The 3-year (2013-2015) SMEs for Environmental, Accountability, Responsibility
  • China's decision to import yarn in bulk may elevate cotton prices internationally, a phenomenon anxiously waited by the Pakistan cotton farmers selling their stocks on an average basis prices ranging between Rs 3000 to Rs 3100 in Sindh and Punjab. According to the Cotton Review of Pakistan Central Cotton Committee, under the Textile Division of Ministry of Commerce, Sindh has reaped up more than 70 percent of the assessed cotton crop for the year 2013-14. Farmers seem satisfied in terms of Ph
  • The textile industry in China and India are exploring opportunities for joint ventures in the areas of non-woven and technical textile and other value added items in both countries. A 12-member Chinese delegation, headed by Wang Tiankai, President, China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC), were in the city as part of the last leg of their four-day visit to India, to explore opportunities for better cooperation and understanding in the textile sector. After visiting some facilitie
  • India has emerged as the most preferred destination for global brands and stores like Zara, H&M, Tommy Hilfiger and Walmart, apex industry body for apparel sector AEPC today said. Apparel Export Promotion Council Chairman A Sakthivel said that India's garment industry has its inherent strengths in terms of design and raw material. "All big brands and chain stores are sourcing from India. It is the most preferred destination for brands like Zara, Gap, H&M, Mango, Tommy Hilfiger. Pro
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